Fletcher Moot.
2025 Fletcher Moot
Key Information
The Fletcher Moot is open to teams of two to four law students from professionally accredited law schools. No team member may have previously been or currently be a licensed legal practitioner. Further eligibility requirements are detailed in the 2025 Fletcher Moot Rules below.
The 2025 Moot will be held in an online format over zoom.​
Registrations for the 2025 Moot are now open here.
Entry to the written portion of the moot competition is free. There will be a fee of £300 payable if a team advances to the oral rounds of the competition.
The moot problem is a fictional case taking place in a hypothetical jurisdiction that has adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Enterprise Group Insolvency.
The problem considers a range of international insolvency laws and raises a number of contentious issues to challenge students’ critical thinking and research skills.
Download Moot Rules here (2025) (updated 10.9.24).
The oral rounds will take place in virtual format in February 2025. A maximum of 16 teams will be invited to participate in the virtual oral rounds based on their performance in the written submissions round.
Submission rules for appellant
Your submission is to appeal and to respond to any cross-appeal (by anticipating the issues they are likely to raise).
Submission rules for respondent
Your submission is to cross-appeal (if relevant) and to respond to the appeal (by anticipating the issues they are likely to raise).
Oral argument outlines will be exchanged between appellants and respondents by teams that progress to the oral rounds.
Competing teams are required to inform their legal arguments by the Model Laws on Insolvency created by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
The competition will challenge students to apply their understanding of key provisions of the relevant UNCITRAL texts and how they relate to international insolvency proceedings. Students will also need to research relevant cases to prepare their arguments, and consult the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency (1997) and Guide to Enactment (2013); UNCITRAL Model Law on Enterprise Group Insolvency (2019) and Guide to Enactment (2018); and other UNCITRAL texts.
Visit the UNCITRAL website on Insolvency.
Refer to these UNCITRAL texts:
UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency (1997) and Guide to Enactment and Interpretation (2013)
UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: The Judicial Perspective (2013)
Search for case law on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency on the Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) website.
A non-exhaustive bibliography on UNCITRAL insolvency texts can also be found via the UNCITRAL Library and Research Sources website.
The decision that inspired the 2021 Fletcher Moot can be accessed here.
Past examples
2023 moot​
2021 moot​
2022 moot​
2020 moot​
2019 moot​
2018 moot​
2017 moot
The above submissions are available here as illustrations only, to give prospective teams guidance on the tone and style (though not necessarily the headings) required for submissions. They are not intended as ‘model’ answers, rather as examples.